Saturday, November 27, 2010

Job- overview.

I am ready to start really studying and posting my studies about powerful books in the Bible and men and women of the Bible. I would like to start with job. I will start with an overview. Which I am posting today.

You can't really talk about Job without talking about thodicy (the justice of God in light of human suffering). Job is a book of a Man of God and his fiery trials. If you are reading this and are in the good fight, I am sure you are no stranger to heartache, to pain, to trials, to doubts, to woes. But I would be hard pressed to find someone tested to the level that Job was. Job pretty much went through all he could short of death.

God allowed the devil to tempt Job. It brings up the question as to whether or not God brings trials or simply allows them. God is all good, but uses evil even for God. Yes, God ultimately has a plan for the fallen angel Lucifer. It ultimately ends with him being bound for a thousand years and thrown in the pit. However due to his rebellion to God he gave himself up to evil, and pride, and rebellion. God uses satans utter devotion to such things, as terrible as they are for our good. The Bible states that all things work together for the good of them that love God.

I will get more in detail, but if you are going through a rough time, drink some coffee, and stay up all night reading Job. It will change your perspective. This book shows us that God is author of all things, and ultimately works them out for our good if we choose to trust Him through it all.
One last thing, our character is revealed in our times of pain.
Job's was this "Though He slay me, YET will I trust him" -Job 13:5.
Is your love for Him so that you will let Him give and take away, have his way with you, throw you in trials, and allow you to suffer.
Job's only purpose was not to have a great and easy life, it was to bless the name of the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Job is by far, one of the MOST helpful books when going through fiery trials! "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!" I remember times in my walk when these were the only words on my lips! God knows, we just need to continually bless the Lord despite ANY circumstance that comes our way!
