Thursday, June 9, 2011

For the Bros: FLEE fornication and youthful lusts.

1 Corinthians 6:18-22
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? Know ye not that your body is a temple of the  Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.2 Timothy 2:22
Flee also youthful lusts:but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
I don't know why, but I felt lead to remind all my brothers in Christ out there, it is VITAL that we flee fornication and lusts. 
 Fornication and lust - for men at least- is the most deadly sin, b/c it is a more addictive sin than most, and impossible without complete relience on the Holy Ghost to stop committing once you have.
Let's face it dudes, we got a problem. I just want to tell it plain. When the Bible talks about the law of sin being in our members, there is one member in particular that is more strong willed than any other member. It will bring you down, and will destroy you, if you don't let God have control. You know what I'm talking about.
Now listen, Im just gonna put this out there- I AM SICK AND TIRED of seeing young men and even seasoned men of God- ruining their ministry, forfeiting their anointing, and giving up on  their calling, because their either fornicating or lusting after women. Women are hot, I agree, but seriously, the flames of hell are pretty hot too! So in case I am not being plain enough, let me spell it out for you.

1.) DO NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES watch pornography! Statistics show that over 25 million americans view pornography a day. The top 2 viewed websites on the internet are pornography sites, above even facebook! Not only are you committing sin by lusting after women you don't even know and are not married too, and sending yourself to hell, it is highly addictive. Take it from me, I will be transparent in telling you I struggled with pornography for 7 years before God used a trustworthy man of God and good friend to help me get saved from this destructive force. Chances are, 99% of men in your church have viewed pornography at some time. Studies show porn users are angry, violent, and abusive. This is not the type of man you want to be.
2.) Young men: If you find a girl you like, even if you believe she is the will of God for you, and there are signs and lighting from heaven, do not get too serious until there is a ring on her finger!! Seriously just trust me, this is going to save you alot of trouble.
3.) If you didn't listen to me in step 2, or you already have a girlfriend, (once again this is for young men only) DO NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES go anywhere where you two can be alone. Come on man, you don't wanna 'just talk'. Ain't a dude alive that wants to just talk. There is a whole lot less of a chance, I don't care how good of a kid you are, of "stuff happening" if people, especially her dad, your mom, or your pastor is around. Unless... of course... you want to get shot.
4.) If you have been sexually active with someone that is not your wife, I don't care if you two really messed up and your having a baby, you need to repent and stop doing it. If you aren't married, fornication is a sin. It doesn't matter if you've fornicated before or not. In fact, if you guys aren't committed, you should probably seek guidance from your pastor, be upfront with him, and tell him what you are struggling with, it would probably be a good idea to break up, too... if you think heaven is worth it. Think about it like this, you are cheating on your wife, even if you think the person you're with is your wife, your wife is the only one meant to be sexual with you. She is the only woman God says, "ok you can lust after her all you want, go crazy". She deserves you brand new, not used.
*edit*4.5) I was going to add this earlier but did not have the time. Dude, do not undress a woman with your eyes!! Jesus said that is the same thing as committing adultery with her in your heart! Like I said before, it doesn't matter how hot she is, hell is hotter. Making your you know what happy for a moment isn't worth your calling, ministry, friendship with sisters in the Lord, or anything God has for you! Do not even go there, just don't even think it. Seriously, control yourself!
5. ) I could say alot more, but the Bible already said it perfectly, FLEE also youthful lusts, FLEE fornication. If your walking down the street and someone pulls a kinfe on you, your not gonna look at them for a minute and think "hmm... are they really gonna kill me?" or "boy that knife looks really nice". Your gonna run away. Be careful what you watch, who you hang out with, where you go, and what you listen to. If you wouldn't watch it, do it, go to it, click it, read it, think about it, stare at her, with Jesus sitting right next to you, don't. Cuz guess what... Jesus is watching, and he knows the very thoughts of your heart.
God is looking for men that are pure in heart to use in his kingdom. If your heart is stained with a lust problem, you will not make it.

1 comment:

  1. from your other mother; you just went way up in my estimation!!! Wyonna
