Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fantasy Christianity

Fantasy Christianity
I like to play fantasy football. 
I am a huge fantasy football aficionado.  
Come draft time every year, I do the hours of countless research
get the cheat sheets
pick my sleepers
and try my best to dominate in my fantasy league.
That being said, I don't really play football.
Not that I wouldn't love to.
I just never had the true passion to become a real football player.
To dedicate the countless hours in the wait room, practice field, studying tape.
Oh sure, I would fantasize as a little kid about being the next Joe Montana, but I never did it.
It just isn't my calling. 
So I play fantasy football, I act like I coach the team, that these players are mine.
That I am right there on the field, as my fantasy team gives me fake points that don't mean anything.
I'm only a football player, or coach, on Sunday.
Every other day of the week Im an average fun loving, madden-playing cashier at the grocery store.
A far cry from a real, hardcore,quarterback sacking linebacker.
A far cry from a coach who makes crucial decisions.
Far away from that game winning touchdown throwing quarterback.
I just like to pretend I am on Sundays, that I actually have a part in the game of football.
2 Timothy 3:5- Having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof, from such turn away.
How many times are we fantasy Christian players.
We would like to be the one praying somebody through in the Holy Ghost in the street.
We would like to be that great soul winner.
That awesome prayer warrior. 
That anointed man or woman of God.
But... we just don't have the passion to become one.
We just wanna be one on Sunday, while we watch the real players do their thing.
We become spectators, when God wants us to be participators.
It's not about watching other people do the stuff we wanna do.
You can either be a fantasy Christian, on Sundays, but an average person on monday-saturday,
or a real life, devil- fighting, tongue talking, Bible walking Christian every day.
You don't have to spectate, do the things you'd LIKE to do for Jesus, don't just play church.

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