Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What God really wants

Psalms fifty one - seventeen The sacrifices of God [are] a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

This blog is different, but keeping it simple.
I often struggle with the will of God in my life.
I often struggle with knowing if Im obeying Him or not, because people complicate what God wants.
People make excuses not to give Him what He wants.
People love their possessions more than God.
People just don't seem to get the will of God right.
But it's because you can't! 
Your will and His do not mix.
It is like oil and water.
So let me start you out on what God wants.
First of all, follow your Godly authority, not what every person tells you is God's will for you.
Your pastor is your Shepard; if He tells you to do something do it.
If you need a man to be used by God to speak to you, it's gonna be your spiritual authorities.
Some people will prophesy over you, but test the spirits.
Other than that, He'll speak to you in a small still voice.
That being said I get to the meat of this.
God is a jealous God, he wants to be Lord of your life.
How do you do this? How do you make Him Lord of your life.
By coming to Him with a repentant heart. A heart that is easily cut by any Word He speaks to you.
A heart that says Yes, Lord, and NO WAY WORLD!
If you are living in a state of love for Him.
If you are entertaining His presence every day.
If you come to Him how you are, sorry for your sins, and above all else thankful and fully believing in his Redeeming power and grace;
than you are in His will.

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