Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Breaking Through

Breaking Through!
I had no Idea what I was going to write here in this blog.
I sat here staring at the title the Lord gave me for a few minutes before I got this parable in my head.
A man and his family were kidnapped and locked in an all brick room(with exception for the ceiling) in the middle of a plenteous city.
The man understood that on the other side of this brick wall was a marketplace full of food, bathhouses, and warm places to sleep.
The man knew that he had to get out to save his and his families life.
So he tried to climb over the top, but slipped back down and could not get any footing.
So he then tried to dig underneath, but came to a place where he could dig no further down quite quickly.
He then got desperate and began calling out to see if anyone would hear him.
The response was utter silence.
The sun had gone down and the room got dark.
He then did the only thing he knew how to do.
He began clawing through the brick, picking it out with his nails and bare hands chip by chip.
He kept crying out "if anyone's out there, save us, we need somebody to help!!".
Just then over the top of the wall some bread came down.
He yelled thank you, and kept crying out for help, reminding whoever threw that bread that he was still stuck in there.
For the next week all he got was bread and water bottles thrown over the wall, as he continued to chip away to very little avail at the brick wall. His hands had become a bloody mess.
He had worn the nails off his hands and his skin was numb on his fingertips.
The next morning, he found a miniature pick ax lying next to him. 
He used it to chip through the other 75% of the brick wall and reach His arm out.
The man on the other side, who had been throwing them bread and water, and threw them the pick ax, grabbed his arm, pulled enough bricks away, and helped him out of the prison.

The Parable means this.
We sometimes get stuck into situations, where God seems silent and we seem stuck.
And all he seems to throw us, is daily bread, that doesn't seem like enough to break through a wall.
But the bread helps us survive, and is what gives the strength to chip at that wall.
But God never intends for you to break through on your own.
The pick ax is the holy ghost, and it is the only way to finally make it through.
God is going to allow you to ware yourself out with prayer, ware yourself out with fasting, ware yourself out with worship.
You feel like God's not there, like you're praying to a brick wall, but yet there seems to be that evidence, that daily bread, thats enough to survive, that you know you didn't get on your own.
And just when all that attempting to break through gets you to the point of desperation, to where you feel like a bloodied up spiritual mess, you realize you need the Holy Ghost to get through it, and you are endued with a much more effective tool to break through the wall of doubt, addiction, fear, pride, or sin. Endued with a power from on high, just when you realize there is no way out.
Because if you make it through when you still have the strength, it's no testimony, but when you know
I surely would have died if it had not been for the Lord.
Im talking about somebody's whose testimony is if it had not been for the Lord who is on our side!!
Somebody who says he rescued me outta the snare of the fowler.
When all hope seemed gone, He came through right on time! 
2 Timothy 4: 

17 But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. 18 And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Wrong Kind of Fear (a blog for the lost, wary, and fallen)

The Wrong Kind of Fear

Hebrews 4:16Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

It is good to fear God.
Let me correct that, it is great to fear God.
We should know that God is all powerful.
That God could wipe us out, if he wanted to (He doesn't).
We should know that God is all knowing.
That God HATES sin.
That He will not be mocked.
That is respect.
Fear of His wrath keeps us in His mercy.
But the devil I believe...
can put a different fear of God in us....
Satan is the accuser of the brethren. 
And if we fall, he will try to keep us from where we need to be,
which is the throne room of all mighty God.
Sometimes we just come to God all wrong.
Like this: "God I know your a sinner, you probably don't 
want anything to do with me, you will never forgive me this time"
The devil can even put the thought in your mind that because
of your arrogant disobedience you might as well not even pray.
That's not true.
We need God.
We shouldn't be afraid of Him when we need Him most;
We should come boldly before the throne to find grace to help in the time of need.
That's what the cross was for.
The blood of Jesus was given so we sinners 
could have a covenant relationship with God.
We should remember God hates sin, but loves the sinner.
If I fall, I'm not afraid to just come to God.
The best way to repent is to just get on your knees and say 
"God I messed up, watched something I shouldn't have, did something I shouldn't have, lied, etc. etc." and then say forgive me, I won't do it again, and sin no more.
That's it.
You and God are cool.
Your beef was already taken care of at the Cross.
Your sins are tossed in a sea of forgetfulness.
You don't even need to remember it.
If you ask him more than once to forgive you,
(out of a sincere heart of course)

then you're wasting precious prayer time.
He did the first time you asked. 
Now it's that grace that makes you
want to sin no more.
Not the fear that God's going to throw a fireball 
at you if you do again, because He won't.
But sooner or later you have to stop sinning.
Let that be known.
Sin separates you from God,
and it is impossible to walk in His anointing 
with unrepentant or unforgiven sin in your life.
However I feel lead to tell somebody this;
if you have messed up, find a place of prayer,
don't run from God.
If you run from God you'll end up in the belly of a whale.
If you run to Jesus you'll find grace to help in the time of need. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Don't Worry, it's Cooked in 0 Grams of Trans Fat

Don't Worry, it's Cooked in 0 Grams of Trans Fat
 Ephesians 4: 29- 29Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

So I was dropping my friend off after church and drove by Wendy's tonight.
Now this was the first time my friend has ever been
 to church with me so I don't pass by this every night.
And I haven't eaten Wendy's in a while.
America has become a health conscious nation.
Fast food won't sell anymore unless they make us feel not so guilty
by adding ALMOST healthy options on the menu.
So I ordered my greasy Chicken Bacon Club (SO GOOD) (WENDY'S PLUG)
and my fries. 
I ate some fries on the way home.
When I sat down to finally finish my meal, I read on the bag.
"Our food is cooked in 0 grams of trans fat".
I'm like, so..... that doesn't mean it's good for ya.
A wendy's single cheeseburger is cooked in 0 grams of trans fat.
Well that's good.
It's missing the major thing.
If I didn't have half a brain I would almost be fulled into thinking it's good for me.
I mean it's not cooked in trans fat.
However, it still does have 470 calories, 21 grams of fat, and 43 carbs.
So I got to thinking.
It doesn't have one obvious thing that's bad for ya (being cooked in fat)
But that doesn't mean it's good for you! 
And I thought "hey, it's like that spiritually too".
How many times do we justify an activity that doesn't separate us completely from God;
but it certainly doesn't bring us any closer to Him?
We think that just because whatever were doing doesn't have
a "major sin" attached to it;
that it's spiritually good for us.
I recall Paul (who wrote our scripture to start this blog)
saying in Romans 14:23
"That whatever is not of faith, is sin".
The Bible also tells us in Hebrews to
 "lay aside every sin and weight that does so easily beset us."
You've heard it before, just because it's not a sin
doesn't mean it's not a weight.
And we think well it's ok
i can handle this weight, I won't let it keep me from God.
The Bible says it EASILY besets us.
Be careful if you think you stand lest ye fall.
That TV show, that friendship or relationship, that website, those group of people,
that place you like to go, that joke you like to tell,
that secret thing you do you think too many people think is a sin
but you justify it cuz your flesh loves it anyway.
It probably IS a sin; but even if it's not,
it's still a weight if it's not drawing you closer to Him.
God is a jealous God.
He wants you more than any of these idols you need to cast down anyway. 
The scripture earlier basically says;
if you don't have anything worthwhile to communicate,
anything Kingdom related, then just keep quiet.
Communication is more than just words
it's a manner of life.
The next verse says grieve not the spirit (eph. 4:30)
The spirit wants relationship with you.
The Spirit is jealous of your attention.

If it's not a minister of grace.
If it ain't bringing you closer to Jesus,
if it's not of faith,
it's sin.
It's separating you from God.
You're grieving the spirit.
It's a functional savior.
It's an idol
You need to cast it down, for your own salvation.
I'll close with the words of Joel Urshan
"There is nothing wrong with entertainment, but we really make too much out of it.... as a child of God our number one source of entertainment, should be to entertain the presence of the Lord".