Friday, February 11, 2011

The Wrong Kind of Fear (a blog for the lost, wary, and fallen)

The Wrong Kind of Fear

Hebrews 4:16Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

It is good to fear God.
Let me correct that, it is great to fear God.
We should know that God is all powerful.
That God could wipe us out, if he wanted to (He doesn't).
We should know that God is all knowing.
That God HATES sin.
That He will not be mocked.
That is respect.
Fear of His wrath keeps us in His mercy.
But the devil I believe...
can put a different fear of God in us....
Satan is the accuser of the brethren. 
And if we fall, he will try to keep us from where we need to be,
which is the throne room of all mighty God.
Sometimes we just come to God all wrong.
Like this: "God I know your a sinner, you probably don't 
want anything to do with me, you will never forgive me this time"
The devil can even put the thought in your mind that because
of your arrogant disobedience you might as well not even pray.
That's not true.
We need God.
We shouldn't be afraid of Him when we need Him most;
We should come boldly before the throne to find grace to help in the time of need.
That's what the cross was for.
The blood of Jesus was given so we sinners 
could have a covenant relationship with God.
We should remember God hates sin, but loves the sinner.
If I fall, I'm not afraid to just come to God.
The best way to repent is to just get on your knees and say 
"God I messed up, watched something I shouldn't have, did something I shouldn't have, lied, etc. etc." and then say forgive me, I won't do it again, and sin no more.
That's it.
You and God are cool.
Your beef was already taken care of at the Cross.
Your sins are tossed in a sea of forgetfulness.
You don't even need to remember it.
If you ask him more than once to forgive you,
(out of a sincere heart of course)

then you're wasting precious prayer time.
He did the first time you asked. 
Now it's that grace that makes you
want to sin no more.
Not the fear that God's going to throw a fireball 
at you if you do again, because He won't.
But sooner or later you have to stop sinning.
Let that be known.
Sin separates you from God,
and it is impossible to walk in His anointing 
with unrepentant or unforgiven sin in your life.
However I feel lead to tell somebody this;
if you have messed up, find a place of prayer,
don't run from God.
If you run from God you'll end up in the belly of a whale.
If you run to Jesus you'll find grace to help in the time of need. 

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